Sunday 29 November 2015

Advent of war?

It's blowing hard again. I haven't got the heating properly fixed yet . And it's Advent Sunday.

This period of praying, signals a time of waiting.

Whilst we wait for the Christchild to be born again in our hearts we often have other problems to contend with. The small problems such as sending out Christmas cards, buying presents , making sure no one is left out pales into insignificance this year compared to the international situation.

Will we be at war by Christmas? During the time of peace and goodwill towards men will we actually be fighting another religious group?

The words "a just war" are being used by some of our leaders. These were the words that justified our taking up arms against Hitlers Germany.

But the world has moved on since then. Weapons are deadlier. Communications are instant. We see the results of violence on the television screens in our homes.

We also see the streams of refugees fleeing the war zones. For good or ill we are spectators now and can see all too clearly the damage done by bombs . We also see the hideous barbarity employed by the young jihadists and want desperately to hit back.

For Christians trying to get our heads into the right place for Advent, waiting for Christmas the dilemma is stark! Once again I pray...that in preparing to receive Jesus into our hearts we may find the least bloody way through our present dilemma.

Lord hear our prayer!


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