Saturday 2 January 2016

Flamenco time.

We are now retracing our tracks. Docked in Cadiz it all looks very familiar. And it is . It's only about six weeks since I was here.
This time I am not out till much later when I shall go to a demonstration of flamenco.
I've no idea why.
I must have booked it whilst sleep walking!
Our clocks have lost an hour overnight.
We seem to be parked in the middle of a square.
None of my watches have the right time.
It's all very confusing for an old lady. But I am loving every minute of it!
The table I sit at for supper has now gelled nicely.
New friends are mixing with old friends.
We are all coughing for Britain but even that feels normal. It is January after all!
If I start dancing anything like flamenco we will all know I've finally lost it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Revjeanrolt said...

Gosh but the flamenco turned out to be the real was noisy, exuberant and gay! Just the thing combined with good red wine to get me moving.....a bit!

Unknown said...

Ole!!! You must be maraccas!! :-)

UKViewer said...

Did you crack your Marraca's?