Thursday 28 April 2016

It's cold outside.

We are filling up nicely here on the Roseland. Lots of traffic streams along the road . The village is getting harder to park in. The cliff path crossing the field near me is full of walkers, well wrapped up against the cold.
Oddly it feels more like winter despite the sun shining.
In other places snow is forecast and it's almost May!
This weird weather is much better than the more usual rain and wind....but it's not very Spring like!
Lots of friends will turn up this weekend. Small boats will be back in the water after a winters rest.
None of this is typical at all...but it is very beautiful!
In a week trees have filled with blossom. Bees are buzzing despite the cold.
On Sunday we say goodbye to our much loved curate as she goes off to run her own parish.
Nothing right now feels normal! I'm not sure why not...but there are so many anomalies around...
A very dedicated traffic warden gave one of us a ticket after she'd parked her car to get to church for the midweek communion.
We have always been able to leave our cars along the sea wall on these occasions....this is the first time one of us has been caught but it means we are all very wary now...our aging congregations are getting less!
I am aware that in order to get moving I need a mental kick up the backside....
But it's cold outside!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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