Tuesday 19 April 2016

Pippa is passing.

There are days in the world I live in which look perfect. Today is one of those days....but it's still early! My first stroll around the garden reveals glory all around...the blossom is out, the trees are greening up, the snails are not
yet evident!
I want to sing Alleluia but I don't want to frighten the horses or the cattle heard munching in the next field along! The bright white flowers of the blackthorn decorate the Cornish hedges along with blue bells and garlic grass and joy of joy my gardener no longer pulls out the "weeds"
I am reminded of that pretty poem, Pippa Passes....by Browning, a favourite of mine.
I'm a long way from being a young girl and yet it still feels appropriate on mornings like these..

The years at the Spring
And days at the morn
Mornings at seven
The hill sides dew pearled
The larks on the wing
The snails on the thorn
Gods in His heaven
Alls right with the world

Says it all really. alleluia!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

Alleluia indeed. Some days need celebrating.