Friday 17 June 2016

Work load.

Since arriving home earlier in the week I have been aware that my usual sleeping patterns have been disrupted...I am waking very early.
This morning I thought I'd left a light on before six am and then realised it was the sun!
During our cruise we had realised that it never really went dark.....
Wonderful sunsets glimpsed from the dining room ended with a dark sea, rimmed by a red line along the horizon. This wonderful sight last most of the night...
Here in Cornwall we have been blessed by sunshine since I arrived home and today it is also windy!
My sleep patterns will reinstate themselves soon I know but I have a fairly daunting work load to get through.
Our curate has her own parish now and she will be brilliant. Our new curate doesn't start till July.
Several people are on holiday.
I am fairly used to picking up the pieces but since I arrived home funerals, weddings etc have taken centre stage.
I have got used to asking people if they know how old I am....but I do need my sleep....this weekend is scary!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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