Sunday 2 October 2016

Interesting times!

It's been a week of unexpected treats....things have happened that I was not expecting and which have been surprises!
Several visits from old friends come into that category, starting last Monday when someone I've known for a very long time informed me that I needed to get out more!
A book arrived from someone in the congregation a couple of weeks ago...he had been visiting the beautiful St Just and told me he was writing a book on the legend of Jesus arriving here on a copper traders ship! I told him several people had beaten him to it, including me but then he branched into an arcane interpretation of Celtic customs which he thought had influenced the very young Jesus...
So this week a book arrived. "The Fairy Faith in Celtic countries"
It's very interesting and I am reading it!
On a less arcane topic my Iphone has been up dated...
Apple nag. If they have an update they remind you every's easier to give in and get it done so that was yesterday's excitement. ( I really should get out more)
There are many differences on this update , not least what's happened to my Apple far the clock face has had bright flowers I've got butterflies, very bright exotic wings close gracefully as I well as giving me the time, the date the temperature and the weather...we are in a whole new ball game here and I have much to explore!
My early morning communion congregation contained two old friends just as surprised at seeng me as I was them!
Life seems to be returning to normal and it's all good...thank you God!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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