Saturday 18 February 2017

Oh yes he did!

I have lived here since the millennium year....quite a long time but until last night I have never gone to see the local pantomime.
I don't like this form of drama. Perhaps I was frightened as a child but I've avoided this yearly offering like the plague...
A kind, good friend saved a ticket for me and off I went last night muttering under my breath about driving and parking in the dark!
But I am glad I went.
It really was very good indeed!
My ticket was for a place at the back of the hall but I was instantly whisked off to a seat in the front row.
I recognised most of the actors...knew several of them very well indeed!
The jokes were good, the local references brought the house down...including me.
So all these years I've been missing a treat!
I was given the sad news that an old friend had died and came home to weep a little as well as enjoy the laughter in retrospect.
The cast were enjoying themselves and the whole thing ended in a sort of romp with everyone joining in . It literally brought the house down.
It would have been a definite nono in London which is where I produced my plays twenty five years ago...
But I enjoyed it a lot!
And the friend who got me the ticket played Buttons...oh yes he did!
And very well did other friends, recognisable despite garish makeup and odd clothes.
I needed a good laugh and this was it! Thank you Buttons!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Sometimes we avoid things due to an old prejudice. But can be surprised to find out, as you have, that we've missed a treat. When my children were young, we took them to Pantomime, normally a professional production. But when stationed in Hampshire, the Military families put on a pantomime themselves in the Garrison theatre - it was a ball, much as you describe your version - well know personalities, many senior officers, put on the costumes and did puss in boots.

I can remember myself appearing in a sketch show at the same theatre - singing a bawdy song with others, which took the mickey out of the senior persons present - we had their traits off to a T - and they easily recognised themselves in our portrayal - all good, clean fun, with perhaps the odd drink involved, which raised funs for a military charity close to our heart.

These days, the only performing is in church, and today is a big test day for my preaching. Hope that I pass muster for the Gospels sake, not my own. I won't worry about it - I keep telling myself and will be sharing with others later.