Monday 27 February 2017

We are doomed to live in interesting times!

What a wonderfully convoluted world we are living in now!
No one has any excuse for being bored...
Listening to the chaos that ensued at the Oscar ceremony last night when the wrong film was almost given the Oscar until it was realised that it wasn't "La la land" but "Moonlight." set the tone wonderfully this morning.
The Labour Party is examining its position with Jeremy Corbin in position as its leader after the surprise defeat last week.
The Trump has taken his bat home and refused to attend the White House correspondents annual they can talk about him to their hearts content.
The Scots are seriously considering another referendum to leave Great Britain after the Brexit vote left them in disagreement with us yet again.
Last night the weather joined in the general chaos when the wind flattened me to my gate and I gave up the visit to go to see a play in the village...
It will all settle down eventually I'm sure...but I shall not be surprised at anything else that happens.
I would love to see an Ephemeris just now, as an ancient Astrologer I would like to know where Saturn is.
It's a human failing to need something to blame for any catastrophe.
And we have more than our fair share of those right now so we might as well blame's big enough to take it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

The main catastrophe facing us is in fact that Mr Trump, I never know what foolish thing that he will say or do

We were blessed with Mr Obama - he was presidential, while Mr Trump displays nothing but childish petulance.

He is a ruthless, self serving man, who will probably enrich himself (despite the rules) by proxy of his Sons, running his businesses in his absence.

Public service to him, means nothing but a selfish self regard at the expense of the American people, who are finding out how stupid they were to vote him in.