Friday 10 March 2017

House gremlins!

Having to be dressed fairly early this morning I reached for a pendent that I often wear with my polo necks during the winter. It is only two days since I last wore how did it get knotted?
I took it off, put it in the box on my dressing table and no one else has been in the house.
It's just me and the gremlins.
I know my friend Ray has similar problems with inanimate it's not just me...
Electrical leads are the worst.
You use the iron, or the hairdryer etc and the next time you need it it's got knotted!
Oddly they don't mess my cleaner or gardener cries of frustration reach my ears on their days's just me!
I am not naturally methodical. I admit to being a bit careless at times...but it still doesn't explain how slender chains attached to pretty decorative items get coiled around each other...even if they have been segregated for their own good.
I used to have a friend who was wonderful at unraveling the messes in my jewellery box. But I got embarrassed at how often I threw myself on her good nature!
It's not logical. It's not rational....I am aware of that but having spent ten minutes this morning undoing a knot that wasn't there two days ago I have to admit a certain grim awareness that they really are all out to get us! Well me anyway!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Ray Barnes said...

Oh this is so familiar Jean.
Put something down on a kitchen work-surface ready for use and explain to me how it appears on the arm of a chair in the sitting-room.
Close a library book in a hurry and think "I must remember to take the bookmark out before it goes back to the library" and tell me how it appears on the shelf beside the book I have just brought in from the library.
Their nasty tricky little ways are beyond ordinary explanation and worse, they keep moving into new territories.
One day I hope to come home unexpectedly and catch them at it.
Or is that a step too far?

UKViewer said...

The way of the gremlin world. How do perfectly pressed trousers end up with creases, despite being hung carefully on a hanger, and shirts or blouses the same. Hanging singly, with space between somehow get creased??

I know how our newly made bed gets creased up - playful cats, but I can't blame them for clothing creases :(