Thursday 16 March 2017

My first school.

As I watched tonight's edition of West Wing I was delighted to catch a brief sight of Ian McShane.
When he became Lovejoy a very long time ago I liked him a lot but was enchanted one evening when he was being interviewed on the TV to hear him describe the school where he'd learned how to act.
It was mine, my first school so many years ago. 1958 to be exact.
I wasn't a pupil, I did my first teaching practice there and went back as a teacher after qualifying!
It brought back memories I'd not thought about for years...
I had arrived at the school , been dropped off the coach and walked into the entrance hall to find it was a boys school. A big boys school. I had no idea why I'd been sent there and neither apparently had my tutor. On the first day finding a female loo was the first problem followed by many more...but at the end of the teaching practice they offered me a job. I stayed for four years.
All my memories of that school were happy . And I took great delight in wondering if Mr Lovejoy had been in one of my classes!
So it was amazing last night to relive the whole thing again as well as wondering what has happened to the actor!
None of the people I knew then are still alive...apart from the children of course....I have no idea if it still exists or has been converted to something else...or even if it's still all boys....
It was a very interesting experience . I hope they have looked after it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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