Thursday 30 March 2017

Quiet days.

I am facing up to the fact that I have become timid of late.
Having promised to visit a good friend who is ill I have been putting it off all week because I'm not sure where the house is.
This is an excuse I would never have used in the old I would go and drive around till I'd found it!
Yesterday I stayed home instead of going to an event in the village hall.
It was described as a tea dance....
I loved dancing when I was young but I can't imagine us crumblies taking to the floor with any grace or vigour...
On my various cruises I have gone to the odd tea dance....very odd , but I've never succumbed to any invitation to get up.
Evidence is mounting up....I am just too old right now to really enjoy things I would have loved just a few years ago.
This feeling has been confounded by a letter asking me to go on holiday with a much younger relation this summer. I just can't do it.
If I've decided to cruise my taxi man picks me up, takes me to the point of embarkation , puts my bags on the lift and they magically appear in my cabin without any effort from me.
Driving somewhere strange, with someone still young is a very daunting prospect...
But I have been surprised this week by my reluctance to drive around looking for a friends house I've never visited before... poor old woman.... me not her!
I am learning to accommodate my timidity. There are times when I force myself out...but the cocoon I live in is safe, quiet and happy most of the time.
Every day at Tregear Vean is a quiet day. And that's the way I like it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Babs said...

Don't worry Jean. You are not the only wimp! I find myself making excuses as to why I shouldn't do certain things.
Perhaps it's age.
Driving alone I find challenging. When my friend comes to stay over Easter, I drive with so much more confidence, and she's a non driver! Might have to try taking my tortoise with me or failing that if you ever spot a blow up doll of George Clooney let me know xx

Revjeanrolt said...

Made me laugh Babs.... I just remember the intrepid women we once were.....braving the rapids on the Great Ooze! I couldn't jump to catch a rope now to save my life!