Sunday 9 April 2017

Humble pie for breakfast!

I talked too much yesterday. That used not to be unusual but it is now.
People are arriving for Easter.
Driving to church to do the early morning communion was harder than usual....thick fog covered the road. I needed headlights....
The congregation contained several people who I haven't seen for some time.
For those slightly infirm members I issued a warning. The gospel was a very long one. They might need to sit down!
They did. My voice just about dealt with it but I was glad of the microphone.
After an hour in church the fog had lifted and the journey home was much simpler!
I have now finished but not just for the day..I have broken up!
I am away at Easter! This was not planned. Easter's habit of moving around the calendar was the problem. A holiday I booked in January starts this week!
Until recently I hadn't realised that I would be away for wasn't deliberate!
Last year I watched a cruise ship setting off from Falmouth. I can see this great port from my sitting room and determined that if it happened again I would be on it!
So this trip had been booked for months before I realised that it clashed with Easter!
As well as talking too much today I have also eaten a lot of humble pie!
But I have now broken up and I can start packing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


jante said...

Enjoy the holiday. I'll be thinking about you as I take and preach three services next Sunday

Babs said...

Before you go Jean, perhaps you can answer my question. Why do we have the story of the crucifixion on Palm Sunday.
Why don't we have the lovely story of Christ on a donkey with people laying palms for them to walk on.
Enjoy your trip xx

Revjeanrolt said...

Good question Babs and one I've thought about more than once. The answer is because it's the last Sunday before the crucifiction and Easter Sunday is one of such joy that the story needs to be told before then.
Most churches do re enact the triumphant ride into Jerusalem in at least one of their services when the palm crosses are handed out. In the past we have had an actual donkey taking part in a procession. But the long reading makes sure we know all the details of the crucifixion before Good Friday when many people on holiday are not attending a church service.

Revjeanrolt said...

Oh dear...sorry...I have done the three service Easter myself but as well as being exhausting it's also wonderfully uplifting...when you can sit down afterwards...

Babs said...

Fair enough Jean. Thank you.
We do get our blessed palm crosses on Palm Sunday.
It seems logical now you have explained it. Xx