Saturday 13 May 2017

Interesting times!

No one can have any excuse for being bored these days....The
NHS being hacked, having a small spoiled child in charge of America, watching battle buses and all the trappings of electioneering in this is all totally fascinating day by day!
But potentially dangerous for us all...
Since arriving home two weeks ago the whole world has changed....
The cough is still a small remnant of the latest cruise...but the main symptom is my sleeping pattern....
I have always been a good sleeper....definitely one of my talents but right now I have to force myself awake......switching on the radio by the bedside used to wake me up but even the news fails to galvanise me these days....
I seem to have left my address with various cruise groups....the number of emails about new cruises are proliferating are the financial ones from America trying to get me to invest in all sorts of schemes...
First thing in the morning I go through the unsubscribing routine just to find them all back far too soon.
But it's not boring...I love the American ones which offer me a job as a plumber!
Tomorrow will be a test....I'm back to work, doing the eight am! So alarms will need to be set...
Hay ho!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I find it difficult to sleep once it gets light, despite heavy curtains, so 5 am start most days. Which the cats love as they get their breakfast early. It also means some quiet time for morning prayer before the day starts. A bonus I suspect.

As for the world and the Trump, he can't even hold onto a story given by his subordinates, contradicting them, which would be laughable elsewhere, but from a self-professed hyper idiot, its a dangerous trait.

I notice that the rhetoric about North Korea has died down, even a promise to meet their leader if the conditions are right? What is he on? Some sort of drug test needed methinks.