Saturday 27 May 2017

Quiet Bank holiday.

It is raining! Everyone here assumed the wonderful weather would continue over the weekend. Plans have been made on that assumption.
After my rotten day out this week I refused to join in...
Plans to spend a day at sea or to drive to various inland events have all gone from my head on the sight of water on the window!
And I can admit in the security of my blog that this is a relief!
I am still in bed, less tired than yesterday but perfectly happy to spend a day on my own with no pressure to go out adventuring...
Spring Bank holiday brings many friends every year...and David and I were always here for the first big weekend of the year, meeting old friends for the start of the season..
Houses closed up all winter are emerging from their wrappings...
Even in the rain it's all very beautiful...
I have no plans.....and that feels good.
There is time for prayer....and to stand beside those who are mourning their lost ones in Manchester.
Listening to the news, watching the Trump antics , trying to make sense of the various election utterances from our own home grown politicians are appealing pastimes on this wet day!
I am happy to have a quiet day in the rain.....alleluia!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Rain is health giving for the flora and fauna, badly needed in the South East. The ground is dry and hard and water just runs off. We are concerned about our Apple Tree, which is watered daily to encourage growth of the baby apples just coming through.

The rest of the garden has sprouted all sorts of things. Bushes that we cut down to the ground last winter are now, again, waist high with vigorous new growth - when the blossom comes, it will be a picture.

And, our parish is doing the ThyKingdomCome thing, with daily prayer meetings (and breakfast yesterday) so on Monday, I will be in Church open the whole day, to meet those who might stray in, to listen, to talk, and hopefully to encourage.