Saturday 21 October 2017

Another day in.

Another day and yet again we are caught in a blast of rain and wind.
The forecast is yellow which is not as bad as amber but it's bad enough.
I have events I was planning to attend this weekend but as of now, lying in bed I see the movement hedge is shaking!
So it looks like a day of playing daft games on the internet.
Having access to the internet makes a huge difference on days like this.
Emails fly around the country and I see various quarrels on Twitter without joining in mostly.
I play backgammon with real people.
Various card games are on my iPad. Playing for dollars gives the impression of gambling though no actual money ever changes hands.
Sometimes I chat as I play...various sites cover the world and often my opponent asks where I am and then volunteers their own position. I often play people from America , Australia, Canada and lots of European countries.
It's very interesting. But it got real a little while ago when a man I play cards with regularly told me he lived about ten miles away from here.
Ouch! Alarm bells rang but although we talk fairly frequently the news that I am a vicar has been sufficient to keep the conversation clean.
On days like today when going out looks unlikely it is a great relief to know that all of my friends can be reached easily and I won't get bored when I can't get out!
This is wonderful at my age....keeping my brain active is just as important as walking every day. Keeping everything moving is I think the key!
Thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

The storm gave us a few high winds and a little rain early on, but it developed into a bright sunny day. Not sure what will happen later, but temperatures will be average for this time of the year. So, I don't anticipate anything naughty.

We are close to the Thames Estuary,and looking down the hill towards it, can see a huge wind turbine put in to power an industrial site. On high wind days, you can see the fans on it turning pretty quickly, yesterday, it was virtually still as sign of things calming down.