Thursday 19 October 2017

Me too!

Having just listened to Question time on the subject of inappropriate touching I decided it was time to join in.....
I doubt if any woman over fifty hasn't experienced unwanted male advances and inappropriate touching at various times of her life. The worst was in my teens...before going to training college I took a job in the laboratory of the nearest textile mill. I needed the money.
Part of my job was to collect samples to test . It was a weaving quality control lab right in the heart of a weaving shed.
Weaving sheds are very dusty, hot, noisy places...the walk around the looms to collect small pieces of fabric was fraught with difficulty.
As hands reached out to touch me in very inappropriate places. I used to deliberate walk miles out of my way to try to avoid the worst.
The man in charge of the small lab knew perfectly well about the problem. I was 16 and frightened as well as embarrassed.
My boss advised me to "take no notice" they apparently did it to every passing female...I just had to get used to it.
I never did. The suggestions that accompanied the touches were worse.
Apparently the last girl had had the same was why she left they told me with a jeer in their voices.
I worked there for half a year before getting a job in a nursery school which didn't pay as well but I was safe!
I tried to explain to my mother why I'd left a very good wage for a poor one. But she really didn't have much sympathy...leaving me to suspect that at a certain level it was regarded almost as normal...what you had to expect if you were young and reasonable looking.
Over the years since then it has happened fairly often even when I got much too old to look good...a certain sort of male seems to feel it fair game...a little pat here and there, a more lingering touch elsewhere.
We really should not be asked to accept it and men like the film maker who used their power in order to get away with it do need to be brought to some sort of tough too!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

It does seem to be the norm, that such conduct is expected (which doesn't say much for the male gender) or is tolerated, because you have to either accept it or get out??

I can't say that I have been subject to that casual sexist conduct that you describe, but I know that it went on, and probably still does in the work place.

In the Armed Forces, we had a major culture overhaul at the start of the nineties, where such conduct was not tolerated and offenders were subject to strict disciplinary sanctions. It took a while to change a culture, but in general it worked.

One of the ways that I was embarrassed was an occasion when I was leaving an appointment, and those who'd worked with me thought that it would be funny to employ a stripper at the going away do. I was mortified and upset. And I discovered that my-Ex had been in the know and thought that it was funny. I'm not sure whether that demonstrated a crack in the edifice of our marriage, but it didn't last very long after that.

So, me to - in unwanted attention

Babs said...

It's never happened to me! I was talking to a fiend about unwanted advances, and wondered why I had never been bothered. She said I had a big notice hanging round my neck which said. Keep Off!

Rat Bites said...

And we all remember being told that if we were properly Good, and Strong, men would recognise it and Respect us.
Did they fairycakes - a good Christian girl was simply a greater challenge and trophy.
But it worked very well in shaming us into silence and accepting the blame.