Monday 16 October 2017

Ophelia approaches!

So far so good.....but the forecasts are not good.
It is windy outside. The car which flew up onto a nearby hedge last week is still there..perhaps they are waiting for it to be blown back into the road. Ophelia could help with that!
It's not yet so bad that it's impossible to walk out there...but...
Everything has been tied down.
I am not going anywhere today except to bring my wheely bin in before it joins the flying car in the hedge.
I feel much easier in my mind now I have been reassured that there are no loose tiles on my roof...
Ophelia is on her way...hatches need battening down...
I have a good friend in the air today...but the planes seem to be flying...
My cleaner can't get here...but that's nothing to do with the storm...she has a broken bone in her I am on my own...but it could be much worse.
I shall occasionally post updates providing the wifi remains intact...
I hope all these dire warnings are exaggerations but I have to be ready...
And I am!
Getting the bin in safely was a bit fraught but we survived. This is the day they have arrived to remove the flying car from the hedge....
Looked very fraught to me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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