Friday 15 December 2017

Christmas approaches.

Gremlins are definitely around just now. Silly little annoyances are occurring daily. I am not going to list them but they are getting in the way.
In my head is a list....I haven't written it down but it's there...
Cards, presents, visits to the fragile, trying to get everything I will need over Christmas ready to pack.
Small mysteries are arising daily.
Yesterday my mini iPad died.
I was using it during the morning to try to track down elusive addresses.
I went off to see a friend recovering from a small operation.
When I got back in the dusk it had died.
I suspected that I had flattened the battery playing a daft game before setting off so I tried to charge its battery but no it stayed stubbornly black.
I linked it to my proper was not recognised .
It had died!
Other things needed my I put it to one side...
I tried again at bedtime but it stayed resolutely black.
This morning when I turned on it told me it had only one percent of battery.
So it's now charging...I think....
Other small frustrations abound. I will not list them.
Today I am finishing off the card writing....I hope....
I am relieved that it's still only Friday....I have a quiet weekend....alleluia!
Time to deal with all the various theory...
I have yet to get out the suitcase....because apart from a swimming costume there's nothing to go in it yet!
I remember when the approach to Christmas was fraught with far too much to remember...but I always got it all done....
The Christmas where I had seven services in twenty four hours puts all this into perspective.
I can do this.... and I will!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

We start this weekend with a Lunch today for the regulars at our lunch club, a concert tomorrow evening, Carol service on Sunday evening and the madness of different carols services with schools during the week, four in total, than Christmas actually starts with four services, including Christingle on Christmas Eve, three on Christmas Day, and three on Boxing Day.

Will I recover, possibly, about June 2018.:(