Saturday 27 January 2018

Grumpy blog!

I spent some time yesterday tidying up my blogger ap.
Old unused blogs were wiped out.
This followed the day I posted one in the morning which then disappeared.
A regular reader told me it wasn’t there for which I am grateful but there is still a bit of a mystery..... because an old comment had appeared at one stage which was oddly appropriate.
I’ve stopped trying to work out what went wrong and why ....some editor in the sky had clearly exercised the right to edit...
That’s the best I can come up with right the larger scheme of things it really doesn’t matter...
I had returned to the usual grumpy remarks about Trump , May and other world leaders...
So yesterday I exercised my grump muscle on the Green Party. Well it made a change....
They send me lots of emails exhorting me to go to meetings, to take on various jobs and yesterday to get out and push lots of leaflets through doors.
I’m afraid I reacted badly.
You really can’t expect an eighty year old woman to set out to push leaflets through her neighbours doors....
Even if I had more than one neighbour currently I really don’t want to try to influence their voting habits.. my only attempt at changing minds is reserved for God... naturally......
I am not sure how long this grumpy mood might last...but I’m quite enjoying have been warned!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

You are entitled to be grumpy about blog posts that vanish, or comments being applied to old blogs that don't fit.

And also as as supporter of the Green party, I apologize for their activism. I have made it quite clear to them that my support is at the voting box, and not to expect me to go out and be an activist, that's for the younger generation, who have the energy.

And like you, the only conversion that I want to be involved with is the one that helps people to see and to meet God in their lives.

Now, for a grumpy older woman, I hope that you have a lovely day :)

Revjeanrolt said...

Thanks for that made me smile....