Sunday 22 July 2018

Hello bulls!

We are getting used to this lovely weather. The meadow in front of this house has been mowed, the hay collected into great bundles which last week were collected and taken off to the farmers barn.
The entire area is now golden...and very beautiful .
The resident cows returned this week. They are mostly young bulls and they are lovely to watch.
They play. Watching them play fight, butting each other , mounting each other, chasing occasionally gives me a lot of interest and pleasure during the summer months.
It is noticeable that the number of walkers has decreased. The coastal path leading right in front of this house is often very busy....but not at the moment.
A few young bulls in the fields is an excellent deterrent.
It also provides me with lots of interest. I try very hard not to give them names...because I get fond of my near neighbours....
The hard bit is when the farmers arrives to get them into his van.
We know what this means and David and I could not eat steaks for a few weeks after their departure.
I cheered when I saw them arrive..but the golden field contains very little food for them until it rains so every day they travel further afield to find something to munch. There have been times when the farmer has to give them some hay to keep them from eating the trees.
My new neighbours are lovely...and give me lots to watch during the summer months.
Thank you God.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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