Friday 11 January 2019

Trumps Hell.

I haven’t had much spare time since arriving home yesterday. People arriving, the phone ringing, arrangements made for a scatty few hours before sleeping.
I have woken after a very long sleep, aware that so much has happened around the world that it’s astonishing .
The most amazing political event for me is the current shut down of the American government.
I am staying well clear of Brexit for the moment...arghhhhh!
The topic that has been discussed ad nauseum whilst I’ve been away is once again Mr Trump.
He has shut down his government in a fit of peak to get his own way over a wall.
A wall! Presumably he would want it to be called "Trumps Wall" as a monument to last over centuries to his glory.
The battle lines over this one have been drawn in great detail on American TV watched in my cabin often late at night.
A whole program last week discussed Trumps lies. They agreed that for much of his time in office he has ruled by lies  as a general rule in order to get his own way.
The closing down of the government is dismissed as a temper tantrum by a man intent on getting his own way . The fact that thousands of families have not been paid since Christmas is simply tragic.
The Democrats are not giving in...they say no wall. Trump screams .
It has been fascinating...but also worrying. This man child is capable of starting a war which could destroy the entire world.
How long the impasse can continue is impossible to guess because logic plays no part in any of it.
As a backdrop to cruising it was amazing! But now back in the real world I just hope it gets fixed soon. Thousands of people have had no pay for weeks...
Heaven help them all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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