Saturday 5 March 2011

Cats and their flaps.

Cats are not actually domesticated animals....they do try but the wild is still apparent in them. I woke this morning to find a tail outside the bedroom door. Nothing else, just the tail.
It reminded me of the time we were first married five and a half years ago. For the first week the cat Tosh brought into the bedroom a mouse, still alive, let it go and played with it! The screaming of this mouse was hideous but my new husband failed to waken. He was partly deaf! It took a shake from me to alert him and then he took a dustpan and brush kept there for this purpose, trapped the mouse and took it outside. For all I knew it was the same mouse every night come back for a play but the body parts suggested otherwise.
We moved house after a year and this time we did not have a cat flap.
My husband has his study downstairs and he put a table outside it and then opened the window. The cat jumps on to the table and goes in and out. But the window can be closed!  When we go to bed the cat is in. My husband lets it out around six am. Honour is then satisfied. Any hunting is done during waking hours and we have no screaming  mice around the place.
He catches birds as well, once scaring an elderly visitor by appearing through the window with a still alive robin in his mouth.
The dog keeps to himself on such occasions...he is much too dignified to be associated with such a hooligan!
We have new neighbours next door and they have two cats. A very large cat called Max and a smaller very pretty cat called Millie. Max is huge and white. He looks like an actor in a James Bond movie.
This week I walked into my husband's office looking for stickies. There was Max sitting on his scanner. He had come in through the window and eaten up all of Tosh's food.
I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or me but he rushed out at top speed. There he sat on the table and gazed in. Tosh on his side put his nose to the closed window whilst Max put his to the other side. I am ashamed to admit that I lacked the bottle to open the window!  

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

Oh Disney, where are you when we need you?