Tuesday 1 October 2013

That naked lady is not me!

David and I had a joke....It was revisited every time we went into our barn.
One day our sons will have to tackle this ! Hmmm. It stopped being funny some time ago!
When we married I was still a curate....I really didn't have much spare time as the incumbent here was on long term sick leave! Running the parish came before domestic concerns.....but they have caught up with us lately!
We moved into an old farmhouse with added field and barn about eight years ago.....the barn took any surplus items we no longer used daily. It has gradually filled up.
The man who does our building jobs has offered to clear it for us and today is the day!
Chickens coming home to roost are coming to mind....we always knew we had to clear it one day.....this is the day!
It is also David's sons birthday so he was coming over for a birthday meal today anyway so now he's coming early....the barn has a lot of things that were his mothers....
There are things that are staying, the Christmas trees, our suitcases, my filing cabinets etc....they are not all going but most things are. I have forgotten what's in there for the most part but someone has unearthed a large drawing of a naked woman reclining with her back to the painter. It is in a two foot frame and only slightly faded with age. It is the drawing for a sculpture both of which are very beautiful.....I am fond of it but not quite sure where it should go....it is automatically assumed to be me.....of course it isn't....no of course not....but I'm not parting with it.....not sure where I can find room for it in here though! Ahem.
Today is going to be a testing time.....we shall be ready for a good lunch later!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Not sure what to say here. "The Naked Truth" perhaps :)