Wednesday 2 October 2013

Job done!

There is feeling of achievement this morning and that maybe, just maybe we may have turned an important corner!

Yesterday was exhausting for us all! But we did it, the barn is sorted! David has started to collect his own paper from the village again and the plans for the garden path are almost realised.

Yesterday Jim, the builder took his lawn mower all the way round to leave the shape it will take and the turf cutter arrives on Monday!

We found wonderful things in our barn yesterday, not least a whole set of cutlery with red handles.....the lost spoons have been replaced! Long lost pictures emerged, pots and pans, all my books on Astrology...ahem!

We have rescued several things from a tomb like existence and jettisoned lots more....including a good food processor and juicer that I no longer use! I was unable to part with all the scripts from plays I've produced over the years...they have their own corner!

I hope to find homes for the dog bed and even sacks of food stored since he died almost a year ago...

We are tempted to put out a table and have a give away outside but this would take more energy than we possess right now...

We are still very tired but aware of a corner being turned. David is looking more like the old David and I think that at last the pace maker is making a difference.

On my time hop app I see that last year at this time we were on holiday and having days out to stay close to Crispin. Three years ago we were in Majorca at this time....holidays taken and those we have missed are much in our minds right now but the bottom line is that we are going forward together and getting much needed jobs done., all the rest can wait....

One step at a time....

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

That actually sounds like 3 or 4 steps at a time :)

But it's really good to hear of David's progress and prayers answered.