Thursday 16 November 2017


Over the last few months I have been the focus of someone who I am starting to believe is deranged.
Every day comments arrive for this blog from "Anonymous"
They are all supposedly a comment on one post.
That 'anonymous' is so lazy that they can't be bothered to pick a different post occasionally is one of the small indications that who ever is sending them is either deranged or desperate.
I have never published one. Occasionally someone sends something from Anon but includes their name at the end. Those I don't mind publishing.
The other posts range from very complimentary to scathing...some are in another language, a great deal of work goes into producing them. They appear during the night as well as during the day.
The sender is clearly obsessed. The posts are not upsetting, they are more a puzzle but not one which occupies much of my time.
Who ever is sending them must be desperate to get my attention, I get several of these every day and night!
I don't know if other bloggers have had a similar experience. Have I inherited a demented lost soul from someone else?
I fear for their mental health and I don't believe the person ever actually reads the current post.
It's all part of my life's rich pattern...I am not upset by being targeted in this way. It is the work of a moment to delete them as they arrive. If the sender actually wants to get in touch with me there are much easier ways of doing it.
I feel sorry for the sender..."anon" needs a good nights sleep!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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