Tuesday 6 February 2018

Defending our NHS!

Anyone reading the tweet about the NHS from Trump would wonder how on earth he can feel that such a tweet is legitimate let alone accurate.
It’s a failure to understand that even the right wing of this country are proud of our health system even when it is cash starved and overworked as it is at the moment.
The people out on the streets were supporting the system not condemning it!
That it needs more cash is evident...I suppose it always will half way through a winter of flu epidemics....but there are very few here I believe who would want it scrapped.
Trump has been fed this nonsense by Farage I suppose .
It is true that many hospitals are struggling to cope with winter epidemics of flu and related problems...it is also true the NHS needs more money to keep it running well. And that’s what the demos have been about.
Most of us are proud of our NHS.
The vision of providing health care free at the point of use is an amazing one and most of us are proud of it even whilst admitting its faults.
Any organisation of such size is always going to have local problems...no one is claiming it’s perfect.
But the bottom line is that when we or our loved ones get sick or sustain injury the health service is simply wonderful.
We all have heard stories of it going wrong at times...but for most of us looking after loved ones in trouble there is simply gratitude for the care they receive from the state.
David got extraordinary care during his last months...for which I was very grateful...most of us have experienced such care during times of anxiety.
Listening to ill informed criticism from over the pond does not go down too well. If he did come here I feel his reception might not be as good as he may hope.
And hands off our NHS please!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Trump demonstrates his continuous ignorance of anything outside his own bubble and fires off a tweet without thinking through. Any opportunity to push his own agenda, without any consideration for anyone else, particularly when he is talking about some thing that he knows nothing about. The man is an idiot - why hasn't be been impeached?