Saturday 26 May 2018

Another election?

I read a wonderful esoteric piece this morning detailing what the government are preparing to do during our exit from Europe.
Sacking Mrs May was top of the list. Putting Gove into her seat as a caretaker PM for a couple of years to be then replaced by Ruth Davison who would lead us into the next election was the gist of it.
As a piece of fiction it has its merits...but I suspect would completely finish off the party.
Allowing Gove to have real power would subject the country to some very odd legislation if his period as Education minister is anything to go by. Schools are still struggling with some of his dafter ideas...whole years of primary school children have had their early education blighted.
Giving him the sort of power a Prime minister holds would no doubt delight him but horrify the rest of us.
What Boris would do under those circumstances does not bear thinking about.
How did the Conservative Party get so weak?
Mrs May can’t be blamed for everything....just nearly everything.
Their continued attacks on Corbyn have become part of the same pantomime.
Lurking in the background is Jacob Rees Mog waiting for his moment to shine.
Getting us out of Europe is the main task for the moment..and no one wants another election right now but none of these problems can be resolved without one.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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