Sunday 9 December 2018

Not sleeping!

I don’t often have sleepless nights. On the whole sleeping has always been one of my talents...until last night.
So many things occupied my mind last night that sleep eluded me most of the time.
There are just too many things to do this week. Trying to get all my ducks in an orderly row proved complicated last night.
So I turned to the radio. I am amazed at what goes on during the night, mostly unheard I suppose but definitely of interest.
It might just be that our political problems taking up centre stage are not going to lead us into anything too awful or disruptive but right now it all looks bad...
I do feel sorry for Mrs May but her bid to become the heroine of the hour seems to have failed now.
I also feel that those conspiring to her defeat should not benefit personally from it.
Those MPs who are driven mostly by personal ambition can surely not be treated favourably by either their colleagues or by us, the voting public.
A general election right now seems impractical just before Christmas....
Listening to all the dire predictions during the night has done me no good at all...but I have a mental list of things to be done this morning whilst my cleaner is on getting up I will wrap her Christmas present as my first job...
Working out her pay whilst I’m away is the next thing...and my brain is now turning to mush if I go any further in this litany of angst.
Going into the village to pick up my medication for the next month is top of the to do list..and it’s quiet on Monday morning....usually...
So....up I get...I suppose but right now pulling the duvet over my head and staying put looks much more attractive...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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