Tuesday 5 October 2021

Still bleeping!

I believed I had sorted my bleeping problem yesterday...but I hadnt.... it has not kept me awake thankfully but this morning is loud and intrusive again! I clearly need help....but have no idea where to get it! I feel slightly sick and am not sure about drinking the coffee sitting by my side! Gosh I am fed up! When Ive written this I will go back and read everything I wrote yesterday because I did think I had sorted it out! That apart, all is more or less well. I dont see anyone else today or tomorrow so I just have to get on with it! I wish I could remember what I did yesterday to stop this noise but I cant! I have become very old ! I said that to the doctor when I spoke to him....I think he agreed! And I have...because the determined streak of independence is not giving up...though to be honest life in an old peoples home is starting to look better than it ever has! I think my jaundiced view of life in old age is being made much worse by this incessant bleeping...I have got to try to get rid of it....again. I managed once...surely I can do it again?


Martha's Sister said...

Good morning Jean. How terribly frustrating about this bleeping.
A friend’s grandson is probably the person to fix the problem! Youngsters have so much knowledge of modern technology.

Maybe not try to drink coffee for a few days if it’s the trigger for your nausea? Are you ok with tea?
I hope you are able to eat during the day.
Take care

UKViewer said...

Late too the party again. I have no idea about the bleeping. Finding the source and stopping it permanently must be priority, but knowing how to shut it off seems problematic.

Hoping that you can resolve it soon.