Thursday 30 April 2009

What Spring?

Its been cold and very wet the last few days.  I have been doing the midweek communions but yesterday David and I had a day out. We went to Falmouth. This impressive port is the view from our sitting room window. In the evening I watch the sun go down on huge ocean liners as well as square riggers...there's not much we miss from our upside down house. If we want to visit it though it involves a ferry and  about 15 miles of road  to get there.  The town itself is interesting . A long narrow Cornish street stretches from one end to the other and its full of small shops. Some have closed which is a sign of the times but others have taken their place and we wandered along buying birthday cards and jumpers, hoping to be able to wear the summer stuff this year. We ate in a car by the yacht harbour and it was a very relaxing day out despite the weather.

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