Wednesday 9 February 2011

Home and other problems

Getting back down to earth after a holiday is always a problem....for us at any rate!  Whilst away life goes on unsullied and in a different time space.  Having ipad and iphone with me meant I could blog and tweet etc but only in a fairly limited way as I had to pay for every minute that I was on line so I got home to many messages  that I had not read. Thanks to all of you who said such great know who you are!
The journey home was long and often uncomfortable but it was great to be back...
Until the phone started ringing. A massive row having developed in my absence all the protagonists felt they had to keep me up to date and even try to draw me in. My refusal to be involved last night meant some very hairy moments which I have spent the morning trying to resolve.  Now I am only slightly jet lagged it all seems quite simple.  Ha!
Our first move was to get our animals home. This took up a good part of the morning but here they are, safe and sound and very happy to be with us if not with each other. The cat has celebrated his return by spitting at the dog so everything is back to normal in that department.
We then had to try to book the weekend away when David's grandson gets married. This proved even more difficult because all the instructions were via Microsoft  and  we both have Macs.  I found the way round that one so the rest of the family can rest easy...we have not missed the booking boat!
In the middle of it all visitors  have arrived to be dispatched asap. Phones have been ringing, post opened and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all!
We really must go away more often!
15 minutes later
I have now heard such a variety of swear words from the other half that I am wondering where he's been keeping them!  He is trying to book a rail ticket up to London for lunch. Unfortunately the web site denies all knowledge of St Austell.  The fact that we drove through it only yesterday seems not to count!

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

Poor Jean. Welcome back. There really is only one solution you know - Just don't go away at all. At least the cat and dog would be happy!