Thursday 2 June 2011

Smut and other books.

I am now a convert to that glorious invention the audio book. I was given my first one by a mere acquaintance. I use to play backgammon with him on the Internet and he sent me my first book with some highly complicated instructions on downloading it. I now realize this was probably illegal but it did the trick. It got me hooked. In the last three years the number of books available has grown enormously and they consist of some surprising finds. To be able to listen to The Prophet in the authors own voice is amazing as is listening to Under Milk Wood read by Richard Burton. (deep sigh)
I am going away soon and I went to look in the iTunes store and there I found some extraordinary things.
I've always loved Alan Bennett and cherish his voice reading about the woman in the van so I went immediately for his new book. Smut. Good heavens it is too but such an unlikely find that it was riveting and I've finished it after only three days!
The main problem with these books is that I do often drift off unless it's really absorbing. As a way of combatting sleeplessness it must be unsurpassed.
Someone needs to invent new ear phones though and after a discussion on Twitter this morning I am pleased to discover that I'm not the only one whose ears reject any foreign object even after I've screwed them in place.
I've now had a good session downloading enough stuff to keep me in my deck chair soaking up the sun whilst I am away..
I make no apology for my life of joy and idleness whilst away. I make up for it when I am at home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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