Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Clearing up day!

Having spent the last few weeks doing Christenings, weddings and funerals as well as the other services I feel positively liberated this morning to find only the routine stuff in my diary.
However that means that I have to start tidying up!
Mounds of clothes are on my bedroom chair....and in the spare room and the hall!
My office is under siege. Papers piled up wherever you look!
I stopped potting up the annuals when my back went three weeks ago so the garden is also in a bad way!
It's rare for it all to get quite so awful but today was going to be the great sort out day. Before the phone rang.
Good friends have arrived by boat. They are moored in the harbor. It's a very old boat having been one of the Dunkirk little ships , still traveling, still carrying people and it recently joined in the festivities on the Thames. They will go on to the Scillies after leaving here and well see them again in a few weeks time on their way back.
Boats are useful like that! Your holiday home moves with you!
It's a long way up a big hill to our house but I will get the worst of it done this morning just in case they decide to visit!
We are seeing them for lunch later.....but hopefully sitting outside the locals in the sunshine. Fingers crossed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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