Saturday, 23 June 2012

Strange day.

It's been a seriously weird day. I had so much to do this morning but I was well on top of it until my printer ran out of ink!
I have service sheets to print for tomorrow so I tried very hard to put in the ink. I could find no way to do it! I had the ink and the manual and failed miserably. The resident engineer was called in.. He sorted it out. Thank you David.
I managed to write tomorrows sermon, running out of time because we were out to lunch . My children arrived and got short shrift as I struggled to get everything done.
Finally we set off for one of our favourite eating places. Just walking in were two friends we hav'nt seen for awhile. We shared a bottle of champagne whilst we were waiting and then all had lunch together. The wine and conversation flowed.
Returning home we found two bunches of flowers and several cards by the front door.
Despite the hitches this morning it's hard to imagine having a happier birthday. Thank you God. And David.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


jante said...

Happy Birthday Jean

Ray Barnes said...

Very best wishes for your birthday Jean, I'm glad it turned out to be a good one. X

Revjeanrolt said...

Thank you Jante and Ray. Tired now but very happy. I just never wanted to be this age.,

UKViewer said...

What age? You're a spring chicken :)

Glad you had a lovely day after the morning hassle!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday - glad the day ended well. Came across your blog via Ray.. :)) Judyx