Monday, 2 July 2012

Dates to sort out.

Trying to get all my ducks in a row I am astonished to find we are almost at the end of the academic year when its still only April as far as the weather goes!
My year is now always messed up by having a longish holiday during the my head it really is still only Spring.
This morning we have a rota meeting. This means a long discussion with David as to our future plans.
We  chose not to go to Henley  for the first time ever this year. David missed it I know but for me it meant no urgent dashes home at the end of the week or indeed not having to write the sermon in the carpark before setting off!
The long discussion involves us taking a definite decision as to next years winter break.....there will be one...that is all.
Before that though is our Autumn holiday to try to sort out....I now have dates fixed but have no idea if we are going anywhere or not!
Fortunately Cornwall is the most beautiful place to live in and as we always came here for our hols I think we can make the most of not going away if need be.
Crispin is an important part of this story.
I can not now, I think leave him with anyone else.....and he is failing in several different ways  At  14 I have to be realistic about his chances of going on much longer but I could certainly never have a dog put down so that I could go on holiday!
All of this leaves me with an incomplete story to take to the rota meeting.....but I think we'll all cope.

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

As one who went for 11 years at one period without a holiday, on account of having no-one we could trust with our precious mog, I can assure you it is quite easy.
We used to go for long day trips, scenic, Nat Trust houses, castles, events in far-flung counties each of just one day's duration and didn't really miss going away.
We were both still working at that time, so needed a break, but found the variety and the rest from routine was just as refreshing.
Crispin will thank you for it.