My sermon this morning created more comment than almost any other I had done previously. I used as part of the text the Gospel of be found in the Nag Hammidi library and the Gospel of Peter...found much earlier....Together with the lectionary choice from John they made interesting reading on the subject of Mary Magdalene.
At the end they were queuing up to add their lady told me that recent discoveries in Rome had included a drawing of Mary Magdalene presiding at a Eucharist...
Thankfully the one one die hard woman clergy dissenter was missing so I escaped a mauling at the end and came home having loaned out one of my books to someone who was very interested and given a copy of my sermon to someone else....
We have excellent relations with our Roman counterpart here and I know that he too is interested in the whole lost gospel thing... and we have had several discussions over the years...
Its the first sermon I've tackled on these things for some time ...and they are all demanding more now....
I am not sure they will get it....occasionally I am hauled over the coals by very earnest young people who get cross when I mention that Mark wrote the first gospel...
They did on one occasion tell me as they went out that they would pray for me that I might return to holding every word of the Bible as sacred and therefor not to be messed about with or treated sacrilegiously .
I of course answered that I would pray for them too....that their minds might be the word of the Lord in all its expressions.
This mornings congregation had very open minds....thank you God!
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