Sunday 12 August 2012

No vestry just now

Human ingenuity knows no bounds. Last year we had huge building works happening at St Just. This summer on a rather smaller scale it is the turn of its sister church in St Mawes.

We are unable to use the vestry or the kitchen so I robed up at home and just left the stole to go on before the service. Trays containing cups, saucers, milk and biscuits were neatly arranged at the back.

The silver is no longer there for insurance reasons so we used wooden candlesticks and a wooden cross. It was thing was still in place though which prompted a conversation with my husband.....the chalice is a very beautiful one and was on the altar as always....apparently it's taken home by the present deputy church warden after every service.

It looks very old and is very easy to husband said not without a trace of smugness that that was why he'd bought it. This was news to me. I asked him why he'd bought it?

"It was in memory of my first wife after she had died!" he replied. What a lovely thing and how strange to realise that this chalice that I've been using with great pleasure for years was actually presented to the church by my dearly beloved! And that he'd never once told me that he had!

The building work is being done in August which means that just getting to the church is difficult...this morning is the start of Falmouth week, a great sailing event bringing in boats from all the the any casual parking places were taken. The harbor is full, the streets are full...the beaches are full.....long may it continue...we need the boost!


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