Saturday 23 February 2013

Quiet times

We have now turned round from our journey south and are heading back North. It is going to get hot again as we approach the Equatorial regions. We loved NZ and have been lamenting our age.....any younger and we might have been tempted to up sticks and settle down there.

Strangely it is much like Cornwall....we can understand why so many local people have homes here as well as would be the ideal place to spend the English winter.

This morning being Sunday we went to church! The captain takes a very good service....I am always touched by his prayers and this morning the big hanky kept in my pocket was used several times!

As I have yet to do any shopping I took a stroll around the arcade afterwards. There are sales laid out on tables but the shops themselves are very quiet. It occurred to me as I looked that the number of people that I want to buy presents for is sadly reduced....apart from family the main people were the lovely couple who looked after my dog...even though he's gone aloft I may yet take them something back with me.

I have started a cold.....this is a nuisance but so far nothing like the one that assailed us both two years does however have the effect of clearing a sneeze and everyone scatters!

We now have several sea days before the next landfall. With any luck I'll be better by that time!

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