Friday 12 February 2016

No sun!

It's not hot here from today on....but that brings its own problems. I have only one jumper and one cardigan...the rest of my clothes are light weight!
What was I thinking? I am astonished at my lack of forethought.
I may have to go into Funchal again to buy another warm cardigan!
I can manage the day time temperatures fairly easily but it's the evenings that get complicated!
On a cruise there are semi formal, and formal dress it's a free for all but we do seem to be dressing up a bit!
I still have little appetite but yesterday I had the obligatory grilled I've disinterred five of these that's my quota of little bones for the trip!
All of my devices are running quite well. I can blog and play Scrabble quite easily and I can see on my TimeHop app what I was doing back years ago! The activities are as varied as drinking Exotic looking cocktails, looking at the passing population , and strolling around our small paradise. Not all at the same time.
Every evening they provide entertainment!
In the past I've yawned my way through a few of these, made my excuses and left hastily, stage left!
Last night I stayed to listen whilst a young woman sang wonderfully well. As I clapped enthusiastically I realised how much I'm changing as I grow old!
Some conversations with fellow guests mean that I am once again making friends as I that's all right!
The tropical paradise is doing me good I am sure , even if the sun does seem to disappear at mid day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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