Friday 15 July 2016

Having company.

During all the drama of the last week I have had a visitor staying. We have gone out for meals and done all the usual touristy stuff but we have also followed the news, breaking in great waves all around us...
I am back to being on my own again today and still scanning the headlines, still watching the unfolding events that matter to us all!
The fact that our new Prime Minister is the daughter of a vicar shouldn't really matter but it means a deeply held morality if nothing else and that is I think what we have been seeing this week!
I miss having company in the house this morning, the chance to mull over every small nuance, each departure from what has gone before...I now realise for almost the first time since my husband died that living alone is not my natural habitat.
I loved having someone to bounce ideas off.
To discuss whether what is happening is a good thing or a bad one....
I have never had a left leaning person close to me but this just makes the discussion better..I can't think why my closest friends are uniformly Conservative!
My friend has now departed.
The phone is taking up the slack...
First thing this morning I talked on the phone about the new horrors in France before marching around the garden to dead head a few roses....
I have never thought of myself as lonely....but having another human being around to chat to as I go has been lovely this week...
I feel another chapter is starting in all our lives...I pray it's better than what went before......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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