Monday 28 November 2016


Day two of my decorating upheaval dawns!
It would be intolerable to have this level of upheaval unless the man doing the work was pleasant company. And he is thankfully!
Even so I feel the start of stress dawning!
When I first mentioned this job to him it never occurred to me that it would happen in the run up to Christmas!
So cards have to be written, calendars sent, mulled wine wrapped in gaudy paper...whilst chaos reigns around me!
Add to this the arrival of four of my family tomorrow and the fact that the priest in charge here has gone off for a week, leaving me and the new curate to sort the services out, including the open air switching on of the Christmas tree lights in the village.
I am writing my cards, including a very short news letter whilst trying to ensure that I can start some packing for my absence over the festive season. What to wear over Christmas is another small's essential to keep the suitcase as light as possible...whilst dressing up even more than usual .
All of this angst is self inflicted....I am aware of that...but it doesn't make it feel any better! Arghhhhh!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Unknown said...

Calm, calm,calm.
Take deep breaths and take care not to paint yourself into a corner. ������

Nancy Wallace said...

Pause. Stop. Breathe.

UKViewer said...
