Tuesday 16 October 2018


Presumably it’s because I’ve been away for a month that I am being asked for passwords every time I go into an app that hasn’t been used for a while. I realise this is essentially to protect me from other people getting into the system but it is a dammed nuisance...there it’s made me swear in print!
I have several passwords...I know I should narrow it all down but the moment I am asked for one I freeze. Something in my brain rejects the whole notion that if I’m at home on my iPad playing a game I’ve done hundreds of times before I need to prove my identity.
Come on Apple....remember some of us are old. We can’t always keep words or numbers at the top of our brains...sometimes they slide down a little and have to be dug for.
Then the digging becomes the problem.
Since getting home from a month away I’ve been asked for it over and over again...if it was just one word it wouldn’t be so bad but Apple wants one. Google wants one Uncle Tom Cobbly wants another. .....
I’ve been home just about 24 hours and I’m being asked over and over again...for everything.
I could just have one word but that defeats the object of the whole idea!
My lap top never used to ask me. It does now. Everything’s joining in.
It is slowly driving me batty!
If I stop playing games, blogging, answering emails etc it would be very boring...but I am tempted . The waste bin is beckoning.
Please some one remember us aged battle scarred crones....we are still people too!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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