Sunday 3 February 2019

No deal?

The headlines tell us that our prime minister is desperately wanting to get us out of this mess that is Brexit.
Much of it is her mess!
To be fair it’s her parties mess but how does she think there is anyway out of it that could save any of their faces? Or our lives?
We are now in a situation of our own making, prompted by politicians who saw themselves taking the helm of a gloriously free country and sailing off into the sunset!
It’s not like that. It was probably never like that but to see an increasingly embattled Prime minister offering to steer us out of danger is just laughable. She and her cronies got us into this mess in the first place.
The Labour Party are not helping. But then it’s not their mess!
As the deadline approaches more and more of us are I think realising the tragedy that is becoming Brexit and the country that remains after all the shouting will have so many messes to clear up afterwards that it’s hard to see any path through it all that will lead on to glory.
Poor Mrs May got lumbered by the big boys waiting in the wings to rush in and save the day. There is no good solution for her or for Britain that is clear now.
The only real way out is for another vote....either a general election or even another referendum. Or both.
But the big boys who wanted the first vote won’t allow that now. Mrs May should resign and let Boris and his friends attempt what is going to be a messy farce by the look of it.
That would serve them right.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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