Saturday, 9 March 2019

Brexit looming!

What a mess! These words could be about lots of things in the news but once again it’s the Brexit mess that’s worrying me.
Next week we are having another go at getting it right.
I have no confidence that we will find it’s all OK in the end.
At the end of this month everything in our safe ordered world changes.
The problem is no one is forecasting how those changes will affect us.
Mrs May was brave in taking on the job to start with but since then its been downhill all the way.
She called the election which robbed her of a working majority.
She then could only govern by relying on the DUP.
She is surrounded by ambitious young men who would like her job.
"The backstop" is code for all the problems associated with the Northern Ireland border.
We now have days left before our world changes....
It is too late for her to resign with any grace or the nations gratitude. But I suspect that another referendum would try to reverse the last one.
Is it now too late for the whole decision to be altered?
A small worry compared to the much bigger ones is that we seem not to be able to guarantee our food supply or our reliance on prescribed medicine. Talking to our local pharmacist did not remove this worry!
As is now obvious I would just like the whole thing to go away...but this not possible I know.
But there are only days left now. Mrs May flying off around Europe seems no longer to be part of the deal making process.
I’m not sure how the whole thing is going to play out...but neither I suspect is anyone else....Help!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


KeyReed said...

It will be far too easy for everyone to blame everything on Brexit. British people love nothing more than a good excuse. "Oh it's Decimalization" in 1971 (was it?), or "The Millenium Bug" (1999-2000). Ultimately something else will come along and that will be the cause of the nation's problems. What we need is an end to party politics and for politicians to work together. With the job of the opposition to oppose everything the government of the day decides it is like kids arguing in the playground. Pathetic.

UKViewer said...

I echo Colin.

Perhaps a government of National Unity as we had in the last war is needed, bringing the most able politicians into government and the abandonment of party politics for the duration. Allowing MP's to vote with their real thoughts, without fear or favour.

It might take us in unexpected directions, but it might also provide a workable solution,without the need for a general election or referendum. Government for the people, by the people a reality as MP's concentrate on unity and the greater good.

If this means,staying in the EU, than so be it.