Saturday 20 April 2019

Bees welcome!

I’m spending a lot of time in my garden right now. It’s very beautiful now all the trees are in flower.
But the bit of garden which gives me most pleasure is the bit at the end.
When David put me a path all the way round it we had a lot of soil left over and the problem of what to do with it.
I asked the workman to put it all at the very end of the garden and it made a long piece of loose soil which I decided would make a good wild flower patch.
So I threw packets of seeds at it over several summers afterwards.
Lots of wild flowers then had to be protected from my gardener who disputes the word "wild". For him any plant growing in the wrong place is a weed. And he has a short way with weeds.
So I almost physically kept this area safe from him.
As a sanctuary for wild flowers it only really worked for a couple of years before the nettles took over.
Now it is a great bank of nettles, very green and not beautiful at all.
But yesterday , strolling around the garden I heard a loud was coming from the end.
The bees have found the nettles.....
In the old days before I learned that bees were under threat I would have tried to get rid of them but yesterday I found myself delighted....I don’t know where they are coming from but they are very welcome...
In the past I have contemplated having a hive but sense dispelled this notion. I am too old to be dealing with bee hives now.
But providing a safe place for someone else’s bees feels good. The gardener has been told to leave it all alone. The cows in the next fields are munching, the bees are buzzing, the sun is shining. Gods in his heaven.
Alls well with the world.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


UKViewer said...

We have had bumble bees (wild ones) in our garden, after the Apple Blossom and the few flowers that are coming on. Quite rare in this area, but I suspect that they have got into a loft under the eaves of our, or a neighbours house.

We had several queens coming into our conservatory last year, perhaps seeking to start a new colony there. But they were escorted gently out, before the cats got to them.

They also might have occupied a neighbours garage, which is used to store junk, rarely opened so not likely to be disturbed. Wherever they are they are welcome in the garden, but not in the House.

Something else we rarely see these days are Wasps. They used to be prolific even 10 years ago, but we haven't seen one in years, at least not in our garden or house. There is a large empty nest hanging from the eaves of a house down the road from us, and the occupants have made no attempt to remove it.

Revjeanrolt said...

Oddly I haven’t seen a wasp for years...either the bees see them off or there isn’t enough to interest them here! Odd though.