Sunday 21 April 2019

Sri Lanka!

Lying in bed with my eyes closed this morning I listened to the news until an item woke me up completely. Lots of news the world over had made me groan before going back to sleep until the news of the explosions in Sri Lanka woke me up.
Has the whole world become a melting pot of anti religious feeling?
I can’t claim to know Columbo well. But I do know it as a place where I was once abducted.
I had left the big hotel to walk down to the beach when I was approached by a young man in a Tuctuc . There were elephants down the road....would I like to see them?
I climbed into the tiny vehicle and off we sped.
There were no elephants.
The young man said he was a Christian and would take me to his church.
When at the next stop someone called him Waheed I realised he was a Muslim.
The afternoon was fraught. I just wanted to get back to my hotel.
Instead he took me to a jewellery a back street. I was then made to understand that I had to buy some.
I bought stones. It seemed to be the only way to get out.
Eventually when I’d parted with enough money he got me back into the tiny vehicle. He dumped me in the middle of Columbo from where I had to try to get back to the hotel. The police just didn’t want to know.
The whole experience shook me totally. It is no surprise today to hear that Christian churches were targeted. And on Easter Sunday.
I grieve for the world this morning...Lord forgive us all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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