Monday 29 November 2010

Large animals

We have a big garden and a glorious view from here extending on all sides. On a good day the sea is visible on two sides, one at the back of the house the other at the front. We are surrounded by fields and in the distance is the church spire of Gerrans.
From various windows we have brilliant views all round and we dont miss much! From Tall Boat racing to hikers and animals of every kind. I do not hallucinate...even after a couple of Scotches but I am often accused of having an over active imagination. As dusk falls I often see foxes quietly going about their nefarious business, rabbits are everywhere, the cows take up residence every winter and of course the birds are wheeling and diving about even  today when its very cold.
I walk around our land at least once everyday usually more but yesterday for various reasons I did'nt go out today I was surprised to find a large patch of disturbed ground quite close to the house.
My husband wondered what it was so I took a picture of it. Its a large area of flattened grass which looks for all the world as though a large animal has slept there.
In the past I have noticed bits of trees being eaten, and found several hoof marks but I didn't pay them much heed until last year I did see a deer, very beautiful with antlers  and which moved very fast when it became aware of me.
I am putting the picture here....any ideas?


Ray Barnes said...

Obviously reindeer. What else could it possibly be at this time of the year? Try leaving a mince pie out and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

How far are you from bodmin?