Monday 6 December 2010

Put in your password now

We have all got used to modern IT now, as witness the fact of blogging, twittering and face booking so why do I always make such a mess of using the bank efforts to protect my money.
I am not a stupid woman but today sees a return of an old problem I thought I'd solved. Last time it took hours on the phone and raised blood pressure to get it sorted. Today hopefully I've done it faster. It remains to be seen if it's working tomorrow though.
My bank blocked me yet again for putting in the wrong password.
This problem only started when they got rid of one debit card and replaced it with another. Unfortunately many of the internet sites have yet to catch up with it so I am driven to using a credit card when I would much prefer to use my debit card. There are two passwords. Why? If I am not sure which one to use it's because I am not using the right card. That's what they tell me when I ring up. I have changed my password so many times in the last few months that it's become a joke. It's not helpful banking!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I could say join the club. I am constantly confused by the new security mechanisms put into the system, even using a debit card, which takes you a step further and asks for details such as the last 4 numbers of the card, the security code and the password. By that time, I am slightly irked and vow never to use that site again.

I move to another and find that it is actually the bank imposing these restrictions, not the website. As changing bank is not an option, I now look for a paypal logo, if it is not present, then I will not trade with them.