Monday 17 January 2011

Supper song

It's inevitable that on a boat this size you meet a lot of people. Most are lovely people. Some are not and some are just weird. Last week on the Victoria we met a couple we got on with very well. This week we are on a different table with new people so the first couple come visiting! This is very sweet and we are laughing a lot
One of the new people is a singer. His wife describes him as the famous tenor. And he can sing. And he does sing all the time On the first night he started the conversation by singing at us. Last night he conducted the whole business of ordering food and conversing with the rest of us through song.
He really has got a great voice but it's a little unnerving to be gazed at soulfully whilst he sings opera, hymns and anthems.
He is very small. Maybe I could get him in the suitcase. We need a good tenor in the Roseland choir.
We have been out for our morning stroll around the deck. It is very windy indeed and there are some frightening sights out there. The very ancient to the extremely over weight stagger around the circuit greeting as they go. Their determination to get round is extraordinary.
I am going grey. Some might say it's not before time but I can see a great deal more grey than I used to! Is this the Bermuda triangle effect? Or have I had more time to look in the mirror!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

What a lovely post Jean. Your tenor sounds enchanting, do put him in your suitcase and when you've had enough of him, pass him on to me. Tenors (almost invariably tiny) are in demand everywhere as I'm sure you know, the weirder the better!
You're holiday is clearly doing you a power of good. Long may it continue to do so.