Tuesday 15 February 2011

Phone shop angst!

I know I've been out of the country for a few weeks but this mornings trip into Truro shook me a little. It was very very quiet. The square was empty. M and S was like the grave. I didn't get far though after being stuck in the O2 shop.
This is a firm that really needs to get it's act together. I've only been in a few times and always had to wait. The last time an impatient sales girl told me it would cost a lot of money to break my contract on the first phone and in any case there were no iphone 4's available.
At that point off I went to Carphone warehouse who duly supplied me with the new phone and cheerfully accepted the view that I could pay £15 a month for a couple of months as much cheaper than breaking the original contract.
Job done. I had two iPhones on two separate contracts but I told myself that I would go into Truro after the trip and get out of the first contract when it's time expired. Both phones proved very useful on holiday. We had one each!
So this morning should have been easy!
No. First I stood waiting for twenty minutes without anyone even acknowledging my presence. When finally a man did arrive he was very negative.
"you can't have two contracts with us for two different phones" I had and I produced them both. You could see the mental effort it took for him to accept this. He was looking over his shoulder the whole time at a woman who was looking at phones. He clearly saw a sale approaching whereas I was trouble. When he asked to be excused I sat in the shop and rang customer services. A pleasant young man checked my name and password and asked why the second phone had been bought from Carphone Warehouse. There was a gulp from behind me when I told him that I'd had no joy from the sales person in the Truro shop
He solved my problem by canceling the contract and putting the first phone on Pay as you Go at no cost to me Simple.
If all customers have this sort of personal treatment then the other phone shops will do rather well. Which is very irritating because I've got shares in O2!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Doorkeeper said...

Same here! I gave up on O2 years ago for that exact reason. I always meant to get rid of my shares but forgot. Is there any customer service as bad as that in a phone shop?